Product Catalogs

W.L. Schneider Associates offers thousands of medical products from a variety of manufacturers. See our manufacturer's page for a full list of suppliers. You can find medical products using these catalogs and then call our office (215) 624-7201 for help with order and delivery.

Enteral Feeding Supplies

Wound Care Supplies

Urological Supplies

Ostomy Supplies


Learning Center

Links to Government and private sites where you can learn more about Medicare part B and related information.


General Product Catalogs

Product Catalogs for enteral feeding supplies, wound care supplies, ostomy supplies, urological supplies and other products covered by Medicare part B.

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Download WLSA Forms
PDFW.L. Schneider Brochure
PDFNew Patient Form
PDFWound Care Order Form
PDFOrthotic Order Form
PDFProcedures & Protocols for Medicare Part B